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What is Bluetooth If you have recently purchased a cellphone you may have been told whether or not your device was Bluetooth capable. Bluetooth technology enables a completely wireless headset that attaches onto the ear of the user. It allows the user to communicate hands free with no additional wires. Bluetooth technology prides itself on being very secure and having privacy as one of its main focuses.

The device looks almost space age like something out of Star Wars since it fits directly on the ear and is very small like most advanced technology. Why Own a Bluetooth? The most obvious reason to own a Bluetooth is for the ability to talk hands free while moving around or driving. Many state are beginning to implement traffic laws that forbid the usage of cellphones without a hands free device.

Bluetooth technology will become all important for people that are on the go that need to reach the home or office while driving. Not to mention they are very convenient while shopping at the supermarket and one forgets what they were supposed to purchase. It allows the user to call home to find out what needed to be purchased.

About Bluetooth Technology Bluetooth comes equipped with a 2.45 GHz which is a tranceiver that sends and receives in an unused frequency. It is able to be accessed around the world. Also, each bluetooth has its own 48 bit address. The connections are in the format of point to point or multipoint in nature.

The furthest range allowed is ten meters at this time, so it is a short range wireless device. Data travels at a speed of one megabit a second. How Bluetooth Can be Used Bluetooth is by far not just to be used as a hands free device for a cellphone.

In addition, Bluetooth can allow for the exchange of information between multiple devices such as: digital cameras, GPS receivers, laptops, mobile phones, PC's, printers, and video game consoles. The communication passes through a secure, short-range radio frequency. It is licensed on a global level.

Tom Paine writes for The Tech FAQ and is the author of articles such as Bluetooth, Wireless Mouse, and Smartphone.

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